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Complexation Studies for Cadmium (II) with Quercetin and (+)-Catechin
YAKHAK HOEJI 2009;53(6):342-350
Published online December 31, 2009
© 2009 The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea.

이정호(Jeong Ho Lee);신선우(Sun Woo Shin);백승화(Seung Hwa Baek)
The interaction of cadmium (II) ion with quercetin and (+)-catechin was investigated in aqueous solution at various pH. The flavonoid/cadmium stochiometries for cadmium (II) binding to quercetin and (+)-catechin have been determined by UV-vis spectroscopy. 1 : 1 Cd (II)-Flavonoid complex had a maximum absorbance and showed the bathochromic shift of the long-wavelength band of the UV-vis spectra in the alkaline pH, that occurs upon complexation, due to a ligandto-metal charge transfer. These results suggest that Cd (II)-flavonoid complex has the optimal condition of chelation in 0.2 M NH3 - 0.2 M NH4Cl (pH 8.0) solution.
Keywords : quercetin;(+)-catechin;bathochromic shift;Cd (Ⅱ)-flavonoid complex;ligand-to-metal charge transfer;UV-vis spectroscopy

December 2024, 68 (6)
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