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Purification of Anti-allergic Compound from Mori Cortex Radicis Extract
YAKHAK HOEJI 1998;42(4):395-402
Published online August 31, 1998
© 1998 The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea.

이은주(Eun Ju Lee);채옥희(Ok Hee Chae);이무삼(Moo Sam Lee);이헌구(Hern Ku Lee);허훈(Hoon Huh)
Mori Cortex Radicis, the root bark of mulberry tree, has been used in the treatment of bronchial asthma and other lung diseases in traditional medicine. There was a recent report that the water soluble part with molecular weight of above 10,000 has anti-allergic activity. Therefore, we intended to isolate and purify the anti-allergic compound from hot water extract of the Mori Cortex Radicis. Crude extract of Mori Cortex Radicis was prepared by hot-water extraction, and anti-allergic compound was further purified by alcohol precipitation, successive ultrafiltration, anion exchange chromatography and gel filtration chromatography. This compound had homogeneity which was shown by the sharp single peak in HPLC chromatogram (TSK-GEL(G) G400OPW column, RI detector). The molecular weight of the compound was estimated as 23Kda on the basis of calibration curve plotted against protein standards. This compound was identified as complex of sugar, protein and lignin (19.2: 5.9: 72.7), and proteolysis could not decrease the anti-allergic activity but mild delignification decreased the activity remarkably. Therefore, we concluded that the anti-allergic compound of Mori Cortex Radicis was a lignin-carbohydrate complex.
Keywords : Mori Cortex Radicis;anti-allergic effect;compound 48/80;chicken gamma globulin(CGG) and CGG-specific Ig E .

December 2024, 68 (6)
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