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Hepatoprotective and Blood Alcohol Lowering Effects of Fruit Peduncle Extract of Hovenia dulcis var. Koreana in the In Vitro and In Vivo Animal Models
YAKHAK HOEJI 2004;48(1):34-40
Published online February 28, 2004
© 2004 The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea.

나천수(Chun-Soo Na);정남철(Nam-Chul Chung);양규환(Kyu-Hwan Yang);김세현(Sae-Hyun Kim);정하숙(Ha-Sook Chung);동미숙(Mi-Sook Dong)
Hovenia dulcis which is distributed in Korea, China and Japan is known to show hepatoprotctive effect and reduce the acute alcohol toxicity. In this study, the hepatoprotective effect against the chemically induced experimental liver injury models and lowering effect of blood alcohol level in animal models acutely administered alcohol by the peduncle extracts of Hovenia dulcis var. koreana were investigated. HdfHW-1, HdfM-1 and HdbrM-1 which are the extracts of fruit peduncles and young branches with hot water or 70% methanol and followed with 100% methanol, were significantly reduced the CCl4 or D- galactosamine/LPS induced damage in sliced liver. The hot water or methanol extracts of fruit peduncle protected dose-dependently against CCl4 induced toxicity in primary hepatocyte culture and particularly, the amount of LDH release was reduced to the control level at 500 μg/ml of hot water extracts. HdfHW-1 also decreased the hepatotoxicity induced by CCl4 in rats. The active components of HdfHW-1 seemed to be high molecular weights because 0.2 M NaCl HdfHW-1 fraction was the most effective among NaCl fractions of HdfHW-1 eluted with various concentrations of NaCl on DEAE 650C column chromatography. HdfM and HdfHW were significantly reduced the levels of blood alcohol in rats and mice administered 40% alcohol. These results indicated that the hot water or methanol extracts of fruit peduncle of Hovenia dulcis var. koreana have hepatoprotective effect and may be reduce alcohol toxicity.
Keywords : fruit peduncle of Hovenia dulcis var. koreana;hepatoprotective effect;blood alcohol lowering effect.

December 2024, 68 (6)
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