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Anti-fatigue and Hepatoprotective Activities of Nokyangbotang
YAKHAK HOEJI 2000;44(3):224-231
Published online June 29, 2000
© 2000 The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea.

김창종(Chang Jong Kim);김현준(Hyun Jun Kim);이윤혜(Yun Hye Lee);이연아(Yun Ah Lee);이정근(Jung Keun Lee);문성원(Sung Won Moon);박진형(Jin Hyoung Park);장용운(Yong Un Jang);조중형(Jung Hyung Cho);심상수(Sang Soo Sim)
NokyangbotangTM (NYBT) is a kind of powerful food for health and have been drunk at a oral dose of 80ml (99.5mg) three times per day. It has not been well studied about the anti-fatigue and hepatoprotective activity. In this experiments, we evaluated pathophysiologically the effect of NYBT on swimming time in mouse and hepatoprotective activity in rats intoxicated with carbon-tetrachloride. NYBT was non-toxic in orally acute toxicity test (LD50, > 320ml/60kg) : a nontoxic food in more four times of one-shoot dosage (80ml) to human. Weight-loaded forced swimming test was carried out to measure the swimming time of mice with a 4% load of body weight in plastic cylinder (diameter 10cm x height 20cm) on water bath at 250C, and the anti-fatigue activity represented the ratio of swimming time of experimental group to that of control group. NYBT had dose-dependent anti-fatigue activity. Mice administered NYBT at a dose of 320ml/60kg once daily for 5 days could swim about two times more than control. Hepatoprotective activities of NYBT were examined by the determination of malonedialdehyde (MDA) and pathological survey in liver, and liver function test of rat intoxicated with CCl4 at I.m. dose of 2ml/kg once daily for 7 days. NYBT decreased dose-dependently thiobarbituric acid reactive substance: Oral administration of NYBT at a dose of 20ml/60kg was 38.51+/-3.02nmol MDA/g of tissue, that of 80ml/60kg was 33.76+/-1.84nmol MDA/g of tissue, and that of 320ml/60kg was 32.87+/-1.90nmol MDA/g of tissue as compared with control group (43.61+/-2.85nmol MDA/g of tissue). All rats administered NYBT at a dose of 320ml/60kg were survival as compared with 40% survival of control animals, and GPT activity of rats administered NYBT at a dose of 80ml/60kg was decreased as compared with control. In histopathological survey, NYBT improved slightly the fatty changes of hepatocytes around centrilobular area. These results suggest that NYBT has anti-fatigue and hepatoprotective activity in rats and mice.
Keywords : Nokyangbotang;anti-fatigue activity;weight-loaded forced swimming test;antioxidative activity.

December 2024, 68 (6)
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