
ISSN 0377-9556 (PRINT)
ISSN 2383-9457 (ONLINE)
Table. 2. Summary of questions regarding latent TB within manually categoried topics
Topic Question numuber* Manual summary LSTM text generation
약물치료 594 잠복결핵 복용기간, 치료기간, 복용방법 등에 관한 질문 잠복결핵 판정을 받아 9개월 가량 항결핵제를 먹어야 하는 고통을 겪고 있습니다.
Pharmacotherapy 594 Inquiries regarding the duration of treatment for latent tuberculosis, the optimal duration for treatment, and the recommended administration guidelines, among other related topics. Due to the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis, I have been suffering from the pain of taking anti-tuberculosis drugs for about 9 months .
전염성 및 활동관련 554 잠복 결핵 판정 이후 전염성여부, 사회 생활 및 일상활동에 미치는 영향, 결핵으로 발전 가능성 등에 대한 질문 잠복결핵 판정을 받았는데 어떻게 해야하나요? 그리고 질문입니다. 잠복결핵은 타인에게 옮기나요?
잠복결핵때는 타인과 접촉을 피해야하나요? 완치되려면 몇일 걸리나요? 잠복결핵 때 사람이 많은 곳도 피해야하나요? 급합니다 빠른답변 부탁드려요.
Contagious and daily activity 554 Inquiries regarding the contagiousness, effects on social life and daily activities, and the risk of developing active TB following a positive latent TB test. I have been diagnosed with latent TB. What steps should I take? And I have a question: Can I transmit latent TB to others? Should I refrain from close contact with people while having latent TB? How long does it usually take to be cured? Should I avoid crowded places while having latent TB? I'm in a hurry, so please provide a prompt response.
군대관련 316 잠복 결핵 양성시 군입대에 관련된 질문 잠복결핵 양성이라던데 어떻게 해야하나요? 두통도 심합니다. 설사도 자주하고요. 사망가능성 있나요? 군면제나 공익대상이 되나요? 성병중 하나인가요? 완치할수있나요?
Military service 316 Inquiries regarding the eligibility to join the military in the event of a positive test result for latent TB. What steps should I take if I receive a positive test result for latent tuberculosis? Additionally, I have been experiencing severe headaches and frequent episodes of diarrhea. Is there a possibility of fatality? Does it qualify for military exemption or public benefits? Is latent tuberculosis considered one of the sexually transmitted diseases? Can it be cured?
치료부작용관련 309 약제 복용에 따른 간이상, 피부 부작용, 부작용 증상, 추가질환 발생, 내성에 관 한 질문 과 음주, 흡연, 병용 약물 복용에 대한 질문 잠복결핵약이 부작용이 많다고도 하고 치료기간도 너무길고 해서 안할까 생각 중인대 뭐가 맞는지 모르겠내요, 아 마지막으로 약물치료 중에는 무조건 금주하고 금연인가요? 잠복결핵 약을 먹고 있는데 술먹지 말라고 했거든요 근데 한달에 한번 정도는 괜찮나요?
Side effects 309 Inquiries regarding liver abnormalities, skin-related side effects, symptoms of side effects, the potential development of other conditions, and medication tolerance. Additionally, questions about alcohol consumption, smoking, and the use of concurrent medications. I'm thinking about not doing it because the latent TB drug has many side effects and the treatment period is too long, so I don't know what's right. Oh, and lastly, during medication treatment, is it absolutely necessary to abstain from drinking and smoking?" I'm taking a latent TB drug and I was told not to drink, but is it okay to drink once a month?
상호작용 228 음주, 흡연, 병용 약물, 건강식품, 백신에 대한 질문 잠복 결핵 판정을 받아 예방차원으로 9개월 유한짓정을 꾸준히 복용중입니다. 로이스 초콜렛을 같이 몇일간 조금씩 먹었는데요. 제가 조금 먹었는데, 초콜렛에 양주가 포함되었다는 것을 오늘에서야 알게되었어요. 아이와 함께 초콜렛을 먹었는데 어떡하면 좋을까요?
너무 후회가 되네요.
Interactions with pharmacotherapy 228 Inquiries regarding alcohol consumption, smoking, concurrent medications, dietary supplements, and vaccinations. I was diagnosed with latent tuberculosis and have been taking Yuhanjitjeong for 9 months as a preventive measure. I ate Royce chocolate in small amounts for a few days. I ate a little bit, but it was only today that I found out that the chocolate contained liquor. I ate chocolate with my child. What should I do? I regret it so much

*One question can be classified into two or more topics.

Yakhak Hoeji 2024;68:84-93 https://doi.org/10.17480/psk.2024.68.2.84
© 2024 Yakhak Hoeji