
ISSN 0377-9556 (PRINT)
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Table. 2. Severity assessment a (N=3645)
Criteria Number of responses (%) Examples
Irregular bleeding Frequent menstruation b 20 (0.55 %) - I keep bleeding every two weeks for two months
- I have been suffering from illegal bleeding for a year
- I have menstruation three times a month.
- I’m continuing for more than a certain period.
Menstrual Periodic change In case of delay lasting more than 3 months c 69 (1.89 %) - I haven’t had my period for three months
- It’s been so long since I've had my period.
Menstrual pain Menstrual pain lasts more than three days 2 (0.05 %) - Extreme pain, nausea, cold sweat.
- I’m still suffering from menstrual pain on the 3rd day
Abnormal menstrual blood volume and color Abnormally large amount of menstruation d 14 (0.38 %) - Even an overnight sanitary pad can't handle the amount
- It’s uncomfortable enough to interfere with my daily life.
Others Early menopause e 6 (0.16 %) - Recent hormone tests were normal and showed no signs of menopause, but suddenly diagnosed with menopause after vaccination.
Total - 111 (3.05 %) -

aEvaluate which posts appear to require medical help

bEpimenorrhea: menstrual abnormality in which the menstrual cycle repeats within 24 days.

cAmenorrhea: symptoms of not having menstruation more than three times the previous menstrual cycle or more than six months.

dHypermenorrhea: menstrual abnormalities with excessive menstrual bleeding.

ePremature ovarian failure: Menopause before the age of 40

Yakhak Hoeji 2023;67:294-301 https://doi.org/10.17480/psk.2023.67.5.294
© 2023 Yakhak Hoeji