
ISSN 0377-9556 (PRINT)
ISSN 2383-9457 (ONLINE)
Table. 2.

PHIT Road map20)

Year Road map
2011-2015 1. Ensure PHIT Supports Pharmacists in Health Care Service Delivery
2. Achieve Integration of Clinical Data with Electronic Prescription (e-Prescribing) Information
3. Advocate Pharmacist Recognition in Existing Programs and Policies
4. Ensure HIT Infrastructure Includes and Supports MTM Services
5. Integrate Pharmacist-Delivered Immunizations into the EHR
6. Achieve Recognition of Pharmacists as Meaningful Users of EHR Quality Measures
7. Advance System Vendor EHR Certification
8. Promote Pharmacist Adoption and Use of HIT and EHRs
9. Achieve Integration of Pharmacies and Pharmacists into Health Information Exchanges
10. Establish the Value and Effective Use of HIT Solutions by Pharmacists
2022-2025 Goal 1. implementation • Identify health care system-wide health IT enhancements that PHIT can influence, develop, and implement action plans
• Provide information, education, and resources to the pharmacy profession to increase awareness of the impact of interoperability and information blocking on health care.
• Create tools and resources to promote the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process workflow and use within health IT systems
Goal 2. quality and documentation • Participate in and influence the development and maintenance of pharmacy related American Medical Association Current Procedural Terminology (AMA CPT®) codes.
• Establish and maintain clinical documentation coding and value sets for the profession.
• Integrate and harmonize the measure development work of the Pharmacy Quality Alliance (PQA) and other entities in facilitating the data quality model using standard terminology.
Goal 3. policy and advocacy • Convene and collaborate with stakeholders to identify and advocate ways to improve interoperability and prevent information blocking.
• Conduct targeted outreach activities to pharmacists and other key stakeholders to promote effective use of interoperable health IT

PHIT, pharmacy health information technology collaborative; HIT, health information technology; MTM, medication therapy management; EHR, electronic health record

Yakhak Hoeji 2023;67:85-93 https://doi.org/10.17480/psk.2023.67.2.85
© 2023 Yakhak Hoeji