
ISSN 0377-9556 (PRINT)
ISSN 2383-9457 (ONLINE)
Table. 2.

Knowledge of definition of generic medicines (N=2,026)

Variables Knowing the definition of generic medicines p-value1)
Yes No
N (%) N (%)
Total 425 (21.0) 1,601 (79.0)
Gender 0.020
Male 236 (23.1) 787 (76.9)
Female 189 (18.8) 814 (81.2)
Age 0.005
19~29 years 44 (17.2) 212 (82.8)
30~39 years 78 (28.0) 201 (72.0)
40~49 years 97 (23.4) 317 (76.6)
50~59 years 100 (20.1) 398 (79.9)
60~69 years 106 (18.3) 473 (81.7)
Average monthly household income 0.001
under 3 million won 79 (16.7) 395 (83.3)
3~under 5 million won 133 (19.1) 564 (80.9)
5~under 7 million won 113 (23.5) 367 (76.5)
7 million won or more 100 (26.7) 275 (73.3)
Education 0.000
High school and below 61 (14.6) 358 (85.4)
College and above 364 (22.7) 1,243 (77.3)
Currently taking prescription drugs 0.026
Yes 234 (23.0) 784 (77.0)
No 191 (18.9) 817 (81.1)

1)P-values were calculated using chi-square test

Yakhak Hoeji 2023;67:23-31 https://doi.org/10.17480/psk.2023.67.1.23
© 2023 Yakhak Hoeji