
ISSN 0377-9556 (PRINT)
ISSN 2383-9457 (ONLINE)
Table. 1.

Characteristics of Study Subjects

Variables N %
Total 137,309 100.0
Sex Male 28,705 20.9
Female 108,604 79.1
Age 65~74 y 11,725 8.5
75~84 y 51,610 37.6
85~94 y 62,870 45.8
95 y+ 11,104 8.1
Mean (S.D) 84.8 (7.2)
Residential area* Urban 114,502 83.4
Rural 22,807 16.6
National health security type National Health Insurance 109,726 79.9
Medical Aid 27,583 20.1
Comorbidity Dementia 83,773 61.0
Cerebrovascular diseases 18,663 13.6
Parkinson disease 7,682 5.6
Hypertension 39,789 29.0
Hyperlipidemia 2,016 1.5
Diabetes 15,843 11.5
Osteoarthritis 11,391 8.3
Cardiovascular disease 10,681 7.8
Osteoporosis 3,516 2.6
fracture 14,118 10.3
Hemiplegia 2,461 1.8
Charlson's Comorbidity Index (CCI) 0 28,299 20.6
1 73,073 53.2
2 23,977 17.5
3+ 11,960 8.7
No. of medical institution visited for 1 year 1 23,759 17.3
2~3 64,417 46.9
4+ 48,471 35.3
Only pharmacy 662 0.5
Grade of long-term care insurance Grade 1 13,622 9.9
Grade 2 31,396 22.9
Grade 3 52,988 38.6
Grade 4 36,543 26.6
Grade 5 2,497 1.8
Grade 6 263 0.2
Long-term care insurance benefit period 1~3 year 56,324 41.0
4~7 year 51,700 37.7
8~11 year 29,285 21.3
Grade of Disability None 94,217 68.6
Grade 1~3 22,419 16.3
Grade 4~6 20,673 15.1

*Residential area is based on the location of the long-term care facility where the study participant resides.

Yakhak Hoeji 2022;66:364-73 https://doi.org/10.17480/psk.2022.66.6.364
© 2022 Yakhak Hoeji