
ISSN 0377-9556 (PRINT)
ISSN 2383-9457 (ONLINE)
Table. 6.

Contributing Factors on Increasing Unused Medicines in Long-term Care Facility

Variables Relative Risk (RR)* 95% CI**
Sex Female 0.859 0.857 0.861
Male REF
Age group 95 y+ 0.777 0.773 0.782
85~94 y 0.933 0.929 0.938
75~84 y 1.059 1.054 1.064
65~74 y REF
National health security type Medical Aids 1.081 1.078 1.084
National Health Insurance REF
Grade of long-term care insurance Grade 1 0.456 0.445 0.468
Grade 2 0.490 0.477 0.502
Grade 3 0.558 0.544 0.572
Grade 4 0.584 0.570 0.599
Grade 5 0.646 0.629 0.664
Grade 6 REF
Deaths Yes 15.040 14.999 15.081
Grade of disability Yes 1.118 1.116 1.121
Duration of hopitalization (per 10 days increase) 0.924 0.924 0.925
No. outpatient visits (per 10 visits increase) 1.144 1.143 1.145
Average medication days per prescription (per 10 days increase) 1.157 1.157 1.157

*This result was derived by applying Poisson regression

**95% confidence intervals for RRs

Yakhak Hoeji 2022;66:364-73 https://doi.org/10.17480/psk.2022.66.6.364
© 2022 Yakhak Hoeji